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February is Pet Dental Health Month

January 29, 2013 by admin


In honor of pet dental health month, Umbrella Pets is offering 20% off all dental care products as well as the opportunity to have a dental care training session for only $25 for individual and $15 per person for groups. Please

HILL'S PET NUTRITION CANADA INC. - "Pets Need Dental Care, tooCheck with your local veterinarian, for many offer special promotions and discounts on teeth cleaning during February as well.

Dilworth Animal Hospital is offering 20% off cleanings during the month of February.  Please contact them at (704) 808-PETS to schedule an appointment.


So why is dental care important for pets?

Most of us see the benefit of daily brushing, twice yearly cleanings, and regular dental X-rays for ourselves. And though dogs don’t eat the wide range of cavity-causing foods we enjoy, they need regular dental care for many of the same reasons we do:

  • To prevent the build-up of plaque, tartar, and calculus
  • To check for and prevent gingivitis and gum disease
  • To look for trauma, such as broken or fractured teeth
  • To inspect for developmental or orthodontic problems



for the pet lover begins….

June 15, 2010 by admin

As a woman who has a deep passion and compassion for animals of all kinds, I am writing to inform the masses of all things pet!? Sharing my knowledge, experiences and what I have learned from others is also something I am passionate smiling dogabout.? I deeply believe that if everyone were truly educated on how to take care of pets, how to train them and how to deepen their relationships with them, there would be no pets in the animal shelters and the amount of pets that are euthanized would be decreased.? Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a touch, but I am just hopeful.? I spend? many hours working with dogs in local animal shelters, and it is very sad that they are in that situation in the first place.? Many are dogs that were surrendered because the family could not afford to keep them any more due to the economy, or because they cannot handle them.? If the dogs and the owners were trained properly that would decrease tremendously in my opinion.

Animal Shelters are mainly staffed by volunteers and they do everything they can to take care of these pets with very little money.? I have helped to work with aggressive dogs to make them family friendly, worked with dogs that were fearful or timid, worked with those that had no basic training.? They all can be trained as long as there is a consistency and determination.

So as I began my days of being a blogger, I will be touching on topics that are important to me as a pet owner, and would imagine would be important to you as a fellow pet owner and lover.? I will discuss trends in training and the pet industry as a whole, new products and services that will benefit your pets and many other topics.? I will also run specials and giveaways here and there, so please subscribe to the blog and newsletters and leave a comment.? I look forward to hearing from you and venturing onwards in this new blogging world!

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